Franklin Templeton’s Goals Optimization Engine (GOE®) is now on TIFIN Wealth

Now advisors can optimize portfolios to increase the likelihood of achieving client retirement goals with GOE® + TIFIN Wealth.

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Introducing Goals Optimization Engine (GOE®) on TIFIN Wealth

With the Franklin Templeton Goals Optimization Engine, a portfolio can be created for different retirement goals an investor has. GOE® then actively adjusts the asset mix over time, seeking to help increase the probability of successfully reaching each goal. 

This shifts the optimization from a risk-centric approach, to making portfolio adjustments that increase the likelihood of achieving a specific goal.
Advisors have the option of choosing risk-based optimization vs. GOE-based optimization on a per client basis.

GOE® also provides additional recommendations to improve the probability of achieving each investor’s goals. 

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How GOE® Works

With each client goal, an advisor can set it to one of four tiers:

    • Dream (50% likelihood)

    • Wish (60% likelihood)

    • Want (75% likelihood)

    • Need (85% likelihood)

The GOE® capability makes allocation adjustments in the portfolio to maximize the chance the investment amount hits the pre-defined likelihood over the set duration for the goal.

This keeps each goal-based retirement portfolio on track.

Ready to Dive In?

Book a demo to see Franklin Templeton GOE® + TIFIN Wealth in action.